Being a Psychic Medium: Charlyn Spitzer's Journey
Charlyn Spitzer has been aware of her gift of spirit communication since early adolescence. Unfortunately, it was not always considered a gift in her family, but as a young girl, it was feared by those around her. Her mother’s strong Catholic background prompted a “cleansing” by a Catholic Priest in the hope that it would make communications cease. They did not end the communications; she kept them to herself more.
In her twenties, she constantly sensed spirits around her. Other spirit mediums told her not to ignore the gifts she was receiving from spirits. Charlyn found she could no longer ignore those in spirit, as the manifestations of spirits became a daily occurrence. It was frightening at first, but slowly, she was able to come to terms with the communications and accept them as part of her life. She eventually found a local Spiritualist Church which helped her to understand her abilities, and removed the fear and ignorance of the spirit world.
Charlyn has demonstrated mediumship at different San Francisco Bay Area Spiritualist churches. She also gave demonstrations of mediumship at the New Living Expo in San Francisco in 2012 and 2013. In 2014, she demonstrated spirit communication on Ken Morris’ Psychic Choice Radio Webcast out of the UK. In 2015 and 2018, she showed spirit communication at the Santa Rosa Mystic Fair. In 2018, she was the Pet Psychic at the Halloween Boo! Bark & Brews festival in Jack London Square in Oakland, CA. Her abilities also extend into animal communications.
Charlyn also practices mirror image automatic writing, which is the ability of spirits to write messages using her as a physical vessel. Messages will be written through her left hand (non dominant) and also produced backwards. Holding the message up to a mirror is how it is read. Using this same method, she has produced art, as demonstrated in her art show “Perceptions of Spirit” in Alameda, California, in 2015. Charlyn also practices psychometry, which is sensing energy from an object. For example, if you have your grandfather’s watch, she will feel the object and tell you who comes forward with it. She practices this with objects and also handwriting. Using handwriting samples, she senses the attributes of the person who wrote it.
Charlyn has a care work history, including working with elderly adults and hospice patients, and formerly as a community chaplain in a nursing facility. She served as Licentiate Minister at Golden Gate Spiritualist Church in San Francisco from 2019 through 2022. As a mediator for the Spirit World, she believes that death is not something to be feared but understood. Through her extensive experiences with spirits and those of us still here, she believes that death is only a change into the next expression of life. Knowing this is essential to living a full and conscious life here.
Charlyn currently resides in Alameda, where she enjoys riding her Harley Davidson Sportster motorcycle which she considers a form of meditation.