All services are available in person or via Zoom.

Private Readings
Private Readings include a private one on one session. I will connect with a loved one in Spirit and ask the Spirit for ways to identify them such as relationship, shared memories or information that only you would know. I bring forth messages from the Spirit that they may have for you. I can also address messages they have concerning current events happening in your life. Sometimes Spirits have advice on your health conditions or career/life path that you may have been considering for which you want validation. Private Readings are also available through Zoom or FaceTime.
Pet readings can be added as part of your private or group reading. There is no extra charge! Be sure to tell Charlyn you want to include a pet reading as part of your private reading.
Private readings must be paid for 72 hours in advance of your reading date/time or your appointment will be cancelled.
» How to Join a Zoom Meeting
» How to Use FaceTime
NOTE: Charlyn does not offer standard, non-video phone call readings for various reasons. Therefore, meeting in-person, via Skype (video) or FaceTime (video) calls are required for private readings.
Half Hour: $90
One Hour*: $175
*Add $25 to bring a 2nd person
to your one-hour reading.

Group Readings
In the Privacy of Your Own Home
Group readings can include up to 12 people*. I will bring messages from the spirits of your loved ones in front of the group. Group readings are generally held for parties or get-togethers. Approximately five readings are given per hour.
Hosts are responsible for paying for the Private Group Reading. Charlyn will not be responsible for charging your guests individually.
*There is a six-person minimum charge for all group readings. If you choose to add more participants after your initial purchase (up to 12 participants total), you must do so within 72 hours of your session.
There may be a travel fee depending Charlyn’s drive time to get to your house.
Per Person: $65
Travel Free : $30+
*You may not incur a travel fee, depending on where you live, so just ask Charlyn!

Pet Readings & Communication
Ever wonder what your dog, cat, or other pet is thinking or going through? Pets are like our children. We love them! Most of the time, we can understand what they want from us. But it is possible to get a more explicit message from your pet through a reading! I can connect with your departed or living pets* to bring you updates and messages about things going on with them. Perhaps your dog isn’t telling you why he won’t eat at certain times. Maybe he is jealous of the attention you give to your human children. Animals tell me about their lives and what they want. Pets have feelings, too!
*Only a photo of your pet is required. Pets do not need to be present at your reading.
NOTE: I cannot give instructions to your pet (e.g., Tell them to stop urinating on the carpet). I can only connect with them spiritually so I can clarify how they are feeling or what might be causing their issues.
Half Hour: $90
One Hour*: $175

Spiritual Counseling for "Sensitives"
This spiritual counseling service is for people who experience psychic phenomena. Many “sensitives” have no resources to guide them with things they hear, see, or sense that may be from the spirit world. I provide guidance for those in need. NOTE: I do not teach the use of ritual objects (such as sage, cards, crystals, etc.).
Per Hour: $175

Spiritual Guidance
Do you feel as if you lack understanding about how your faith and spirituality impact your life? Are you confused as to why your spirituality is not guiding you on the path you want? A Spiritual Guidance session entails communication with your Spirits Guides that can express to me what you are going through and why. Spirit Guides are here for our progression in this life; they heal us, lift our spirits, and can help us get excited about life again.
Per Hour: $175

In-Home Group Workshop
Many people know they get messages from loved ones in Spirit. This is a two-hour workshop for you and friends which focuses on the “How do they communicate?” and “No, I’m not crazy…I am getting messages!” I will cover topics such as why we should pay attention to messages and how to become a better channel. I will also discuss why some people fear communication from Spirit and how that can adversely affect our interactions. This is a fun, interactive workshop. You are required to have 6 to 12 guests as we will be working with partners during the session. This will help your understanding and development of your spiritual connections. Remember, to become great at anything, it takes work and practice on your part!
Per Workshop: $500
Travel Free : $30+
*You may not incur a travel fee, depending on where you live, so just ask Charlyn!